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It's the Little Things

Today I just want to talk about the time I spent with Alice*. Each day we dedicate 30 minutes to an hour for posture. During this time, there is a special standing table that is used to help her stand. I use various rattles, balls, musical props, and strings to get her to hold her head up. We practice holding objects, making sounds, and flipping the pages of a book.

There comes a time in every day that that stimulation alone ceases to create enough interest for her to keep her posture. I struggle in finding ways to keep her interested enough to work herself. There's a soft spiked, red, ball that she likes to throw. We constantly have to remind her and the students that throwing of any kind is not appropriate. But then, I thought, "What if she throws it because she likes it? Not because it's bad, but because she can?" Have you ever had a ball in your hand and just tossed it up and caught it again? Such a simple task that, normally, doesn't take much effort or thought? Well, what if that would be enough? Enough to make her excited and keep her attention. So, that's what I started to do. I even helped HER do it, too. Immediately, her head was up and she was smiling and laughing. It was in that moment that I paused. I started reflecting on the little things in life that I may not have taken the time to enjoy before.

It was about 6 weeks ago that I took my nephew to the park with John. It's funny how kids react to people they haven't seen in a while. You would think they would be shy or not remember, but they do. At the park there was a little league baseball game. John wanted to take our nephew, who's two and a half, to watch. I knew he wouldn't sit through it, but it was cute and they went. One of the players hit a strike and it rolled outside the fence. John took this opportunity to teach him how to play catch. A simple task that can be learned at a young age and improved, shaped, and perfected.

It resulted in a beautiful moment that took over my whole day. To teach a child is beautiful. Everything that we know today is because of moments like this that we had at one time in our lives. Children are like sponges that just absorb any and all information presented to them.

Simple actions, simple moments, are the ones that are overlooked the most. They shouldn't be. These are the most valuable of all moments. The ones where we can take the time to live in the moment and appreciate the little things in life.

Alice is a special girl with many challenges in her life. But it's the small things that make her come to life. It's amazing how a smile or song can make someone's day. I've truly been blessed to whiteness these beautiful moments. In many ways, I've come to appreciate the small things in my life a little more.

Take each minute for what it is and live in that moment. When you step back and look at it for what it is, you may be surprised in the beauty that you see.

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