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More Adventures of Week 4

As we inch closer to our final week, the adventures continue throughout week four. Every week we have been here, there’s always something we haven’t seen yet, even though it feels like we know and seen it all. This week had a movie night, fun times at my internship, long hike up to the Sacromonte Abbey, and just trying new food.

In the middle of the week, we all decided to have a movie night at Mike’s house. We had no idea on what this movie would be until we arrived. We would also have some classic cheeseburgers made by Chef Mike, but this time he made a great decision. He got bacon to make them into bacon cheeseburgers. As for the movie, it was called The Human Experience, which I had never heard of. The movie is about two brothers from Brooklyn, New York who set out on three experiences: living on the streets, helping children in Peru, and meeting people going through HIV/AIDS and Lepers in Ghana, Africa. Their first experience they went out to live homeless in the Winter of Brooklyn and talk to other homeless people about their experience. They ended up living on the streets during the coldest time that Winter. As for their next experience, they met a group of guys who travel around to find the perfect surf, but then go to places to help children like in Peru. In Peru, they volunteered to help with orphaned and disabled children as for some of their parents they could not afford healthcare to help their children. As for the final experience, the brothers and two guys from Peru set out to Ghana, Africa where they met three individuals with HIV/AIDS and listened to their stories. Then they would move to a community where people with lepers would be sent to, but they noticed everyone in that community was happy.

As for this week with my internship with Miguelo and the kids, it was unorganized, but fun. The reason behind it feeling unorganized is because when Meg and I read the schedule sent by him, it wasn’t accurate on one day, so that day we sat and watch the water party they had. As for the other days, Meg and I ended up seeing their end of the school year party, which seemed like a talent show, and we even got up on stage to help. Then on Friday, it was Alexi and I going with Miguelo and the kids to a go-karting place. It was very fun and exciting to watch and drive the go-karts because now we can say we went go-karting in Spain. Alexi seems to think she won the race we were in, but really it was me because I had the fastest time, even though somehow the results showed someone slower than me won.

Towards the end of week, there was only three of us around as a couple people took a trip to Barcelona for the weekend. For the three of us left, we took a hike with Mike up to the Sacromonte Abbey, along with Sam and Alex who are part of Alexi’s host family. This was not an easy hike because as we got closer to the building, the hills only got steeper and more tiring. The Sacromonte Abbey is a building for which shows the cultural past of Granada and it helps everyone understand the history of the city. We only had a tour of about 10% of the whole place, according to Mike, as the other areas were being fixed up.

Finally, there was new food to try. The first was at a restaurant where I would order a chicken, lettuce, and mustard sandwich. It may not sound new to the US, but the difference is how the mustard tastes. It’s much sweeter than in the US. Lastly, we tried piononos at a dessert bar. They were basically a cinnamon roll with other kinds of syrup to give it a very sweet taste.

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